Vertigo Games finally released the first patch for Arizona Sunshine 2 (patch 1.1)
Post taken from the Steam Store - 20/12/2023
LIV Integration
Vertigo Games has added LIV support, allowing content creators to elevate the quality of their VR gaming experience.
QoL Updates
Balancing adjustments include shotguns dealing more damage at higher levels and a boost in grenade explosions.
We’ve also listened to your feedback and added a Toggle Grip option, reduced respawn delays, sorted co-op ammo issues, and improved zombie interactions.
From better climbing mechanics to smoother checkpoint experiences, we've fine-tuned everything from tooltips to cosmetics and weapon animations.
Finally, let’s have a look at the full patch notes:
Rebranded & rebalanced all 4 Difficulties, now having a dedicated screen for it, together with explanations of what to expect!
Magazines you'll find in the world won't always be fully filled with rounds on the higher difficulties. You'll need to scavenge more whilst receiving less total ammo!
The highest difficulty spikes have been smoothed out whilst still roughly keeping their original feel. Noticeable changes are the ‘SUNSET RIDERS’ end fight & both the ‘OOPS’ bridge & end fight.
Configured Fungus Counts per difficulty with our brand new system, greatly increasing how much fungus spawns on Survival & Apocalypse.
The new difficulties are called ‘Story, Adventure, Survival, Apocalypse’. We recommend most players that have prior VR experience to try out Survival!
‘Story’ is meant for players that want to experience the campaign without too much threat or challenge - allowing you to focus on the story and play fetch with Buddy!
‘Adventure’ is for those new to VR. You might like some challenge but prefer it to still be balanced in your favor.
‘Survival’ is how we’ve always envisioned Arizona Sunshine 2 to be experienced. This is the recommended difficulty for those that have prior VR experience.
‘Apocalypse’ is for those that want a hardcore zombie experience. You’ll have to scavenge every nook and cranny to get by and will be dead in just a few hits.
Toggle Grip
Added a new Grip Mode option. You can now select ‘Toggle Grip’ within your Settings!
Toggle Grip will keep your weapon stuck to your hand even after you stop pressing down on the Grip button.
Dropping weapons entirely - for example to share them with your co-op partner - can be done by pressing on the bottom face button for 1 second.
Changed the Tommy Gun to use rifle ammo instead of pistol ammo, as to make it a more viable option!
Health regen is now fixed for all difficulties, preventing the red 'throbbing' vignette from staying on at higher difficulties if you couldn't find any food.
Made the Shotgun deal more damage on higher difficulties, now allowing you to still one-shot zombies when you’re close enough!
Reduced the Penetration Force of Shotguns, preventing one pellet from going through 5 zombies at a time.
Made the M67 Frag Grenade have a bigger explosion radius, whilst slightly reducing the Stick Grenade’s radius.
Zombies’ Attack Impact Fraction should now better match their animations, preventing unfair situations where you'd get damage before the zombie visually hits you.
Dynamic ammo Spawning will no longer kick-in as hard when you start running out, preventing some of the fully-stacked ammo crates you would find from time to time.
Fixes & Tweaks
Added LIV support allowing content creators to better capture their experience!
Reduced the respawn delay after dying, now allowing you to reload the level earlier.
Fixed the co-op player losing resources and ammo in co-op after a level load.
Fixed co-op players spawning at the start of the level after a checkpoint had been loaded.
Fixed zombie ragdolls breaking after playing for a long time.
Fixed doors not being able to be properly opened due to zombie bodies.
Added tooltips to the settings menu to better explain what each option changes.
Added a dedicated menu where you can scroll through all your available cosmetics!
Fixed snapping points for climbing sections in various levels.
Fixed the bloom post processing effect for all Steam versions.
Fixed items sometimes not dropping in manual grip mode when releasing the grip button.
Fixed when zombies fell down they sometimes used the wrong stand up animation.
Fixed Buddy sometimes still wearing his equipment during the hospital cutscene.
Fixed the toy helicopter causing your hand to move in slow motion.
Fixed that crafted items were not properly saved in checkpoints.
Fixed the ammo belt not properly re-enabling after a checkpoint in the level ‘BAD DOG’.
Fixed that zombies would already be banging on the windows when entering the gas station.
Fixed the orientation of the minigun when the other player was holding it in co-op.
Fixed players spawning in the same exact location in the level “BAD DOG’ in co-op.
Fixed not all waves properly triggering when dying and reloading the checkpoint in the level ‘BEST FRIENDS FOREVER’.
Fixed selection circle lagging behind when holding a grenade.
Fixed the heating effect of the minigun. It now only heats up the barrels instead of the entire front part.
Fixed not being able to climb back up when respawning at the checkpoint on top of the gas station.
Fixed parts of the Canyon culling in the level ‘OOPS’ when Buddy is searching for a weapon.
Fixed the gun sometimes not equipping when pressing grip with ‘equip on no target’ enabled.
Fixed the ‘Back to menu’ button not working in the score results screen when playing single-player horde mode.
Fixed screen staying red when dying in co-op and getting the ‘waiting for players’ screen.
Fixed container door handles that were hard to grab in the level ‘CHOO-CHOO, MOTHERF*CKERS’.
Fixed offline players not being able to connect to the local server in cases when loading a level happens twice within a second.
Fixed zombie animation when they’re hit by a blunt weapon on the legs.
Fixed lobby screen not showing correct region when game started without internet access.
Fixed PlayStation 5 host not showing the joined player in the lobby screen.
Fixed drum-based weapons (e.g. revolver) not always closing by flicking it.
Fixed player getting stuck in the void after loading a level in co-op occasionally.
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