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HP reverb G2 Stuttering

Fix image stuttering for the Reverb G2 - Driver rollback

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NVIDIA drivers causing stuttering issues with the HP reverb G2. Suggested fix: Roll back your graphics card display drivers to a lower version.

VR News

NVIDIA drivers causing stuttering issues with the HP reverb G2. Suggested fix: Roll back your graphics card display drivers to a lower version.

Posted by Chez
News post by: Chez
Posted: Jan 04, 2021
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Image Stuttering in VR

There appears to be a common issue with the latest Nvidia driver at present, whereby the latest driver, 460.89 and 461.09 can cause flickering and screen stutter whilst in VR, causing havoc with the visuals on the HP Reverb G2.

From the information we've sourced, mainly from rants on Reddit and a forum on NVIDIA's website - the issue appears to be prevalent with NVIDIA's GTX and RTX cards, including the RTX 3000 series... well not the cards themselves, well at least I hope not! Nope... it's the drivers that appear to be the root of the issue, primarily effecting the visuals in VR applications and games. So we're pretty much stuck with it until NVIDIA has a new updated driver, which I guess won't be until early 2021. Having said that, not everyone's stuck in a rut. Some gamer's who use the RTX 10xx or 20xx series cards appeared to have fixed the problem, or certainly lessened the stutter by rolling back their display driver to version 452.06 or 451.48, even as far back as 446.14. Then again, the driver version will also depend on the GPU you're using.

To be perfectly honest I shouldn't really comment on issues regarding the 20xx series GPU's, as all our gaming machines now run 3080's.

Speaking for the NVIDIA RTX 3080, we've experimented with version 451.48, 451.77, and 456.38, and there was still stuttering, even after uninstalling the driver using DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) the issue still persists.

We're now currently running version 457.51 using the RTX 3080, and with most apps and games everything appears to working fine, then again the issue could re-occur when we try other apps, as we obviously haven't tested them all. Having said that, we couldn't get Medal of Honor: Above and beyond to work, then again, from what I did manage to play with version 460.89, worked fine, although I wasn't overly impressed with the game anyway, so it doesn't really bother me too much that it doesn't work now (457.30), as most of the other games, actually worth playing - do!... It's frustrating, I know, but what can you do!

If you only have the latest driver Installed, you won't be able to do a roll-back, so you'll need to uninstall it using DDU (link below) and find a lower version driver on NVIDIA's download page.

For those of you who have a GTX 10xx or RTX 20xx series card and are having issues with screen stutter or frame-drops, you could download the driver version: 446.14, which appears to be a far more stable driver.

For those of you experiencing other issues, such as error codes, please refer to our other article; HP Reverb G2 Troubleshooting.

Should you want to find out what others are posting, and the progress being made, (not by NVIDIA, I may add) you may want to take a look at these two articles;

Game Ready Drivers feedback

Missing / dropped frames

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DDU (Display Driver Unistaller)

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Latest NVIDIA driver causes image stutter